Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Turkish history readings

Our tour guides gave us a list of 4 different books that might be helpful in preparing us for the trip to Turkey.  I picked up 3 of 4 and have read most of two them.  The third one goes back several thousand years BC to the earliest records of human habitation in the region and I just couldn't wrap my mind around quite that much history.  I plan to skim back through it to the most relevant parts as they relate to what we will be seeing in our 12 day trip, which will not be nearly all of the richness of Turkish history, but will still be awesome.  

The two books I spent more time with talk about Turkish history dating to the time of Kemal Ataturk, who was the leader of Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI.  Both books focus on the modernization efforts that the country has undergone in the last 90 years and its unique place in the world between the Middle East and Europe.  Relations with its neighboring states of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Greece and Bulgaria have ebbed and flowed over the years, but Turkey really does fill a unique place politically and geographically bridging between the East and the West.

During and following Ataturk's rule, Turkey was very westward looking and the military took care that the country developed as a secular state.  Democracy developed and was strengthened.  Turkey joined NATO and was a critical ally of the US throughout the Cold War.  Eventually it sought membership in the EU.

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