Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tea house

We visited a traditional tea house in Manisa.  There were so many collectibles in the room it was hard to note them all.  Lots of hookah equipment, tea sets, clocks, grammophones, lamps, etc.

We have been served a lot of Turkish coffee and tea on this trip. Turkish coffee is not made from coffee beans from Turkey (it isn't grown in the country).  Its beans from Brazil or Yemen that are processed in Turkey.  Turkish coffee with medium sugar:  orta.  Only one member of our group regularly took his coffee without sugar.  This really surprised our hosts!

David and Marjorie

Fancy coffee sets

They mix a special kind of tea in Manisa with cinnamon and other spices.  I actually liked it.  (I've been drinking the other tea that we are served out of courtesy, but I'm not that fond of it.)

When you are finished with your tea and do not want a refill, you just leave your spoon upside down on  top of your cup.

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