Friday, May 30, 2014

Daily life in Venice

Its imporant to have good relations with your cross-canal neighbor if you want to hang out your laundry.

No extra junk mail or catalogs in this mailbox

In many European cities, the front door or gate is locked, so visitors have to buzz the resident that they want to see in the apartment or flat.  There is a ringer in each apartment and a button you can push to electronically unlock the gate.  You can see fancy ones and plain ones.  The street level of buildings are stores, but the upper levels are residences, so there is a separate entrance to the side of the store front.

For residents and tourists alike, an afternoon or evening gelatto is the norm.  There are tons of different flavors and they are all piled high in the serving bins with pretty garnishes on the tops.  Lemon, banana, chocolate, pistashio, cream, strawberry, mint, amaretto.

The streets of Venice were remarkably clean.  We saw street sweepers out on a regular basis.

This was the commuter bike lot on Lido Island.  Locals ride in to the vaporetto boat pier and then ride over to the main part of the city for work and walk where they need to go.  The city is almost exclusively walking or boating, except on Lido where there are a few buses than run the length of the island, and lot of bikes!

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