Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 5-God moments

At the end of the day the group has gathered to share "God moments", times when we felt closest to God, or saw God in others during the day.  These are always special moments and its good to reflect back on the day this way as well as hear what others have experienced through the day.

One person shared that they particularly noticed that everyone was smiling today and that warmed their heart and made them smile too.

Someone else shared that they were not feeling well in the morning, but when they looked around and saw their team members working hard they were inspired to keep on contributing to the group's efforts.

Another member of the group shared that they had been in line at the store to buy ice cream when they realized they did not have enough pesos to pay.  They looked around but none of our group was visible.  They were in a quandary about what to do and they had no Spanish skills.  The clerk and others saw the problem however (she was smiling).  The guy behind our group member paid the difference.  So kind.

My own God moment was when I accompanied Jay into the neighborhood to extend VBS invitations.  He simply walked up to front gates and called Hola!  If someone struck their head out, he just explained  in Spanish with an open smile that we were inviting them to escuelita biblica with stories, games, crafts and snacks.  Some smiled back, some were clearly uncertain about us standing on their door step.  He thanked them all graciously saying "God be with you".

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