Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 4- VBS

It was a fun afternoon with the kids for VBS.  The theme for today was Courage and the bible story was David and Goliath.  We started with songs led by Jay (Jesus loves the little children - Christo ama a Los Ninos todas ninos del mondo) and Jesus es la luz (Jesus is the light).  There is part of one of the songs that has a boom boom boom part to it where the chicos and chicas compete to sing it the loudest.  The chicas won today :)

We then told the bible story "kabuki style", with 3 people playing "puppets"  of Saul, David and Goliath.  They could only move when their puppet keepers moved them.  It was pretty funny to watch and got some good laughs.  It was kind of a challenge because the story was being narrated in Spanish, but not all the puppeteers spoke Spanish!  Delaney had fun playing the role of David.  Terry had fun taunting her as Goliath.

David es el rey (the king) and Miriam was his puppeteer

Terry was Goliath, and Don and Chris were his puppeteers

Delaney was David and Ally was her puppeteer, although as a puppet she was pretty independent minded.

Don helping with crafts

For craft time, the kids then made their own armour out of paper grocery bags.  Several of them chose to write scripture on them.  I found this a particularly nice touch because it was not part of the specific instructions that they were given.

One of the suits of armor made by the kids - "If He is with us, who can stand against us?"

Group photo from the first day of VBS

They played several games and then wrapped up with snacks and songs.  We had about 10 kids.  We are hoping to go door to door in the neighborhood tomorrow with invitations and get more kids to join the fun.

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