Thursday, July 14, 2022

A stroll around Zurich old town

We arrived into Zurich around 2:30 and thought about spending several hours at the Swiss National Museum (just around the corner from the train station and our hotel).  But once we checked in and laid down on the bed for a bit, we decided we didn't have the energy to go out again right away.  Eventually hunger and curiosity to see a bit of the city re-energized us and we headed out to wander around old town and the river front in Zurich. 
This is the Prediger Church near our hotel.  
It is protestant, as the very simple alter and sanctuary suggest. 

The organ was humongous!  We lamented that every church we walked into had either just had an organ concert, or had one scheduled in the next few days.  Nothing for us to catch tonight. 
Not only would the accoustics and music be amazing, but all of the churches were at least 5 degrees cooler than outside, so hanging out there would also be comfortable.

View of the Prediger Church from across the river. 
The streets were mostly cobble stone with lots of twists and turns.  Reminded us a bit of Prague, but with a newer feel.  We wandered down a lane with lots of book stores and antique stores (most were already closed, but the window displays were interesting).  We were intercepted by a cosmotology vendor who told Charlene her skin was beautiful and asked what her skin care regimen was (you've likely heard this line before too).  Her answer: nothing.  "Oh, I can't believe it, you look wonderful".  If her skin looks so amazing, where is her incentive to buy the products you are about to try to sell us? (I ask myself).  The woman pulls us into the store and says to her partner - guess which one of these women is the professional model and he says "It must be both".  Talk about pouring it on thick.  We had both been traveling all day and were hot, sweaty and totally without any make up (as we usually are). He pulled us into a chair and spread a product onto the skin below our eyes and then used a little mini fan to dry it out (the best part of the experience on the hot afternoon - we won't buy your beauty product, but we might take one of those fans!). The product notably tightened the skin, but was not a miracle product.  He let us know that the product (about 3 oz) usually retailed for 400 CHF, but he'd be willing to let us have it for 200.  We simply smiled and said no thanks and he let us walk away (with the weird feeling of one of our eyes feeling 'tighter' than the other).   LOL.

One of the stores we passed was bridal attire.  I loved that they had pants suits not just gowns. 

Grossmunster church - no pictures allowed inside. 

This statue of Charlemagne was in the crypt.  It used to be on the tower of the church, but was replaced with a replica (see below). The newer statue sits just below the arched window on the nearer tower. 

The door to the church was brass and pretty cool looking (also very heavy)

Fraumuster Kirche (across the river from Grossmunster). The colors give a real feeling of the simmering heat of the afternoon. 

I was approaching "hangry" and decided we needed to find something to eat for dinner along the river front where it was slightly cooler.  We passed a number of expensive cafes and settled on a take away Mediterranean place.  We sat on a bench next to the building on the left and ate.

After eating we continued our stroll back toward our hotel.  We saw a few of these punts moored along the shore, but one was paddling away.  It looked like the lady in the front was learning how to master the oar (it looked heavy and awkward).

One store that we wandered in to had a lot of ceramic cows that were part of a traveling cow exhibit.  I loved this "chocolate cow". 

We felt just like these poor flowers by the end of the day.  Ready to wilt.  Shower and final packing to head to the airport tomorrow.  We've had a fun filled week!

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