Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ferry to Devonport

After a leisurely start to the day, David, Delaney and I decided to take the ferry to Devonport across the bay.  We stopped by the store for a picnic lunch, and remembered at the last minute to pick up sunscreen (its a good thing too, I still got a little pink by the end of the day!)   It is a short 15 min ride, unless the ferry you are on has a problem with one of its engines and can't dock once it crosses the bay, so it returns  you to the main pier and makes you board another ferry instead.  (yes, this happened to us, 2 rides for the price of one).  We sat out on the outside deck.  Windy and chilly, but a great view.

There was a new cruise ship in the harbor, that was not here yesterday.  I guess they have new ones come through often.  This one had a waterslide on the top deck that actually had clear tubing and extended beyond the deck of the ship. Yikes!

Working cranes for the container ships

Naval station in Devonport. 

Devonport harbor.  You can see the debris line for high tide way up the beach.  By the time we returned, the tide was halfway up the beach and the wind-driven waves were pounding.  The tide really rises and falls significantly here.

A lot of people must take bikes across on ferries because the entire lower deck was full of bike racks.

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