Friday, December 20, 2019

Random facts and observations

There are over 50 extinct volcanos through the metro area (basically every hillside is an old peak/crater from a volcano).  The most recent one cleared sealevel 600 years ago (a newbie), but is no longer active.

Aucklanders apparently really take advantage of the fact that they are surrounded by beaches, bays, hills and parks.  They have the highest per capita number of recreational vehicles (re: boats, bikes, etc) anywhere in the world.  They also have the second highest per capita number of golf courses, behind Scotland (ha!)

Scooters are apparently a "thing" everywhere.  I was really surprised that they would make it up some of the hills in the city, but we saw people riding them uphill without too much trouble. 

Loved this few of the park near our hotel.  Its down in a valley surrounded by apartment buildings.  Beautiful green space and fun playscape.

Bare feet are a thing here.  Walking through the grocery store, going into a restaurant, walking down the street... tougher feet than I have!

We've run into the same cruise ships several times.  One from Auckland showed up in Wellington while we were there.  Then one from Wellington followed us to Picton.  This one with German travelers had a Christmas tree on the smoke stack.

Can you imagine ANY park in the US having a trampoline available for kids to jump on?  Liability in NZ must be very different than in the US.

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