Delaney and I decided it would be fun to ride the tram to the end of the line today and visit the Erfurt zoo. It was about a 15 minute ride through largely residential areas and ended on the outskirts of town.
We had the place mostly to ourselves today. Temp about 35 with a slight wind.
We had a great time together!
We thought it was funny that the first exhibit in Erfurt is the same as in Wichita: Flamingos!
Glad for the images to go along with the words. We would have enjoyed it regardless, but it was funny to see some of the words for different animals. None of the signs had any English on them (not that I expected them to).
Meerkats were loving their heat lamps today (even inside).
Lion House - two new cubs were born in the spring and they were showing a video of the birth. It was pretty amazing to see.
The zoo ground were laid out very nicely. Lots of large trees. In the summer, the paths would be quite beautiful with shade and small gardens. The exhibits were very modern and the habitats quite well done. The lemurs (below) had a million different branch walkways, hanging objects to play with, etc.

The lemurs were very active today.
They had every size of bird in the ostrich family - emus, tegus, cassawaries, etc.
They had a number of exhibits with bridges over them, so animals could be seen from different angles.
This was labeled as a bison, and it did have horns, but it sure looks like a horse tail to me!
Delaney loved every bit of the zoo, but the playscape was an especial favorite.
This 'snake swing' can hold up to 4 kids straddling it and swinging forward and backward. Delaney and I both stood on it and loved it! Why can't we have these kind of fun swings in the US?
Delaney feeding the goats - they were NOT patient! #NearlyTrompled
They had a big enclosure for guniea pigs, but none were out. This would have been fun to watch.
Time: 3:36 pm. Days have been pretty short!
The elephants had a great modern enclosure, nearly as large as the one in Wichita.
There was actually a walk through area with the wallabys / kangaroos
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