Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Point Alpha Observation Post

Off on an early bus ride to Point Alpha Observation post along the historic inner German border between East and West.  Nearly all of it has been dismantled just like the Berlin Wall, but there were a few remaining towers and fencing with period military vehicles and a lot of museum displays.

This was just about the most sun we saw during the day.  The fog was with us most of the time.  We had a brief view of the Fulda gap that was viewed as one  of the potential points for the start of WWIII if the USSR decided to attack Western Europe.

Some highway driving on the autobahn and some through the forest.  The autobahn is a pretty aggressive driving environment.  Lots of lane changing and cars passing you quickly at many speeds.

Our guide was a local German woman who was very keen on history and told the background with great enthusiasm.  Unfortunately, her English was not strong enough to conduct the full tour in English, so one of the local university student hosts had to translate a lot of what she said.  He did a good job, but it was clear that not everything she said was getting translated.  This was a little frustrating for everyone involved.  Darn language barriers. 

Merry Christmas from the US troops to the East Germans - spelled very wrong!

Model of the border

East German side had larger coop fields that smaller West German plots

Good quote - then and now.

We were organized on our buses by these kiddie characters.  This is Sandmuchen - Sandman, who every German child and adult recognizes, but who was new to us. 

We found in the park later that day!

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