Saturday, January 18, 2025

Grand Canyon Day 6

On our last day we went back out with Jason to finish cleaning up the damaged site where the logging was.  At one point a student brought him a black obsidian shard and asked him about it. He said it was an artifact and that the obsidian came from one of two places in the canyon.  He looked at it closely and declared it was from near Williams, almost 60 miles away!  The people back then did get around.  He then pointed out a cooking pit that the group was standing near.  He said the indigenous people would throw in deer, rabbits, lizards, anything edible and cover it with green boughs and cook it.  I asked how he could tell (it just looked like the rest of the ground around it to me).  He laughed and just said he could tell from his years of experience.  

We wrapped up the day visiting one more archelogical site with Jason.  He said many of them were oriented to face toward the San Fransisco mountains, but because the forest had grown up around it, you'd couldn't easily tell that. 

Tomorrow we pack up and get on the bus for the grueling 18 hour drive home.  It's been a wonderful visit and I've learned so much!

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